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The French lettering company Letraset manufactured a set of dry-transfer. 

Smart Home

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with smart appliances

Porcelanato Ret EXT Travertino cat. B (120 X 120-2,85m2/CX)

Porcelanato, 120x120cm, 119.5x119.5cm, Interno, Piso / Parede, 7mm, Acetinado
R$ 416,40

Revestimento Mattone Nero Segato – MOP2818

Tijolos, 25x7cm, 25.5x7cm, Interno / Externo, Parede

Porcelanato Relevo Acetinado Gran Castel Tasso (62x120cm-2,26m2/CX)

Porcelanato, 60x120cm, 62x122cm, Acetinado, Interno / Externo, Piso / Parede
R$ 164,20

Joelho hidraulico redondo

Joelho, 4cm, 4cm, Polido, Cromado

Porcelanato Ret Acetinado Sorres MT (120x120cm-2,85m2/CX)

Porcelanato, 120x120cm, 119.5x119.5cm, Acetinado, 7mm, Interno, Piso / Parede, BioSafe
R$ 447,10m2

Ducha de metal

Ducha Higiênica, 20x2cm, 20x2.5cm, Polido, Banheiro, Mangueira, Cromado, 5m.c.a

Revestimento Fulget Piso Retangular Cetim Pitaya 16mm (40x80cm/PC)

Revestimento, 40x80cm, Acetinado, Piso / Parede, 24mm

Deal of The Week


Juice For The Whole Family

One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin he lay on his armour-like back.

  • Gregor Samsa woke
  • Himself transformed
  • Horrible vermin
  • Armour-like back

Monitor Size

3.0 in diagonal

Sensor Size

15.7 mm x 23.4 mm


134.5 mm x 93.5 mm x 43.5 mm


390 g

Free Your Musical Monster

A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart.

Papeleira de chão inox polido preto linha ORIENTE NEW STONE

Papeleira, 500x140x100mm, 485x141x116mm, Natural, Polido, Banheiro, Piso, Cromado, Preto

Toalheiro ponto inox polido linha ELEMENTO ZEN

Toalheiro, 80x35x280mm, 80x35x284mm, Polido, Banheiro, Parede, Cromado

Revestimento Ret Roca Acetinado Antraciti Lanzi MT (30x90cm-1,08m2/CX)

Revestimento, 30x90cm, 30x90cm, Acetinado, Interno / Externo, Parede

Porcelanato Ret Acetinado Carrara Storf

Porcelanato, 60x120cm, 62x122cm, Acetinado, Interno / Externo, Piso / Parede
R$ 130,90

Toalheiro duplo 700mm inox polido linha SUPREME

Toalheiro, 100x80x700mm, 103x82x700mm, Polido, Banheiro, Parede, Cromado

Porcelanato By Portilato Ret Acetinado Madeira Moondis Cast (20x122cm-1,47m2/CX) –

Porcelanato, 20x120cm, 20x122cm, Acetinado, Interno / Externo, Piso / Parede
R$ 129,80

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